Team Management through Pantheon Terminus

Required Reading:

What is Terminus?

The Terminus command-line interface provides advanced interaction with Pantheon. Terminus enables you to do almost everything in a terminal that you can do in the Dashboard, and much more. This article listed several commands in Terminus 2 that can be used in managing a site’s team using Terminus. First thing first, in all terminus commands we should know how to identify a site to manage it properly.

Getting the Site ID

The site id is an identifier of the site used to route and used by the Pantheon platform to identify the site’s dashboard. To get the site_id you need to login into Pantheon and pick the correct site, to be on the dashboard.

URL of Pantheon Site Dashboard

Getting the Site Name

The site name is a machine name, which is a readable name used also to identify a site in Pantheon. The site name is used mostly with the platform URL.

List all team members

terminus site:team:list 

Displays the list of team members for a site. 

site:team:list [–format FORMAT] [–fields FIELDS] [–field FIELD] [–] <site_id> or <site_name>

The command accepts the <site_name> or the <site_id> of the Pantheon site.

The arguments –field and –fields are mostly the same, the difference is the field is just a single field while fields are a group of fields separated by comma(,).

  • email: Email
  • role: Role
  • id: User ID
  • is_owner: Is owner?

The available formats are, without the –format option the default is a table.

  • csv
  • json
  • list,
  • null
  • php,
  • print-r
  • sections
  • string
  • table
  • tsv
  • var_export
  • xml
  • yaml

Add a member

terminus site:team:add

Add a user to the site’s team list.

site:team:add <site_id/site_name> <member> <role>

The member argument should be an email if the email is not associated with a Pantheon account, an invite will be sent.

The role has two choices

  • developer
  • team_member

Change member role

terminus site:team:role

Update a member role on the site’s team.

site:team:role <site_id/site_name> <member> <role>

This command has the same arguments as the add member command but this would only change the role of a user on the site’s team.

Remove a member

terminus site:team:remove

site:team:remove <site_id/site_name> <member>

Removes a member from the site’s team
