
Installing Terminus on Ubuntu 18.04.4

The Terminus command-line tool of Pantheon.io can easily be installed on Ubuntu 18.04.4 (Bionic Beaver).

Install the dependencies and requirements, since Terminus is written in PHP scripting language, the minimum version requirement 5.6 running it on PHP v7.3 is much faster.

The PHP extensions needed are:

  • curl
  • cli
  • mbstring
  • xml

PHP v7.3

sudo -A add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php -y;
sudo apt-get update

Dependencies and Requirements

sudo apt-get install curl php7.3 php7.3-curl php7.3-cli php7.3-mbstring php7.3-xml git unzip -y

Composer (skip if the machine in use has a prior composer installed.)

curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer -o composer-setup.php
php composer-setup.php --filename=composer
sudo mv composer /usr/local/bin/composer

Install Terminus via Composer

composer require pantheon-systems/terminus

Then in order that terminus can be executed on all folders, create a symlink that can be accessed.

sudo ln -s /home/vagrant/vendor/pantheon-systems/terminus/bin/terminus  /usr/local/bin/terminus

Test that it is properly installed

terminus -v


terminus auth:login --machine-token=‹machine-token›

Installing Terminus on Windows using VM (Virtual Machine)

Terminus on Windows 10

Terminus is a command-line interface that provides advanced interaction with Pantheon. Terminus enables you to do almost everything in a terminal that you can do in the Pantheon Dashboard, and much more.

Terminus is not yet supported on any version of Windows. Some Windows users have installed Terminus using Git BASH on Git for Windows, or the Windows Subsystem for Linux, but according to Pantheon documentation, it is not supported.

This solution is to use Linux on a virtual machine, also there’s an inclusion of a provisioned dependency of Terminus along with the three common plugins, namely:

  • The Build Tools Terminus Plugin
  • The Composer Terminus Plugin
  • The Site Clone Terminus Plugin


  • PC / Laptop
    • At least 500MB of disk space
    • At least 8GB of RAM
    • CPU that supports Hyper-V or AMD Virtualization
  • Git
  • Virtual Box
  • Vagrant

Here’s the url repository



  • clone repo
  • go to the repository folder after cloning
  • type vagrant up
  • type vagrant ssh
  • authenticate to pantheon using machine token

That’s it, simple steps there is no need to figure out how to install the dependency of PHP, Composer, CURL, or library dependency.

Happy Coding!